If you are located in Southern/Central Ontario...
Please email us for an up-to-date price list and photos.
Simply email info@JCIaquariums.com and let us know which organization you represent.
Complete Customized Systems Below...(maintenance rates may vary per current pricing)
System 101
35g glass hexagon
System 102
55g glass
System 103
55g glass w cab
System 104
55g acrylic
System 105
55g acrylic w cab
System 106
75g acrylic
System 107
75g acrylic w cab
System 108 & 109
75g acrylic reef
System 110
100g acrylic fresh
System 111 & 112
150g acrylic reef
System 113 & 114
225g acrylic fresh
System 115
225g acrylic reef
System 117
360g acr reef extra tall 36”H
System 124
285g double bullnose w insert
All prices are in Canadian Funds
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